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Billing Medical In Your Dental Practice

Take the learning deeper with this add-on to the course “Billing Medical in your Dental Practice,” where we dive deeper into specific areas of focus, including:

Sleep Apnea

The dental billing cycle animated

The facts are overwhelming, and the outcome without treatment can be fatal. Learn which patients would benefit from an Epworth screening questionnaire and working with a sleep lab or medical specialist. Learn how Oral Appliance Therapy can be both a great source of added revenue and lifesaving treatment for patients!

  • Specify how Oral Sleep Apnea (OSA) is diagnosed
  • Explore sleep apnea prevalence and health ramifications
  • Understanding the referral process
  • Identify the in’s and out’s of Medicare

Temporomandibular Disorder

X-ray of jaw and skull

An estimated 10 million Americans are affected by temporomandibular muscle and joint disorders (TMD). Gain expanded insurance coverage by utilizing accurate diagnosis and procedural codes.

  • Explore the various treatments available for TMD
  • Illuminate understanding of state laws, regulations, and directives

CT Scans

Woman receiving CT scan

Would you buy anything without seeing it first? Providing a diagnostic tour around the oral cavity will allow patients to see what you see. Explore the difference it can make when showing your patient an X-ray versus a 3D scan!

  • Explore how a 3D film can become the best diagnostic tool
  • Gain knowledge of your story line for the treatments you provide

Oral Surgery: Extractions, Implants & Periodontal Procedures

Clasp holding extracted tooth

When billing surgical procedures, there are a variety of diagnostic codes available which help differentiate the necessity of the service.

  • Learn who is eligible for medical billing
  • Discover the four categories for billing medical necessity
  • Determine the list of procedures that your office can bill medically

Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Young boy falling asleep in class

Did you know that pediatric sleep disorders can be billed medically?

  • Learn how to identify pediatric sleep disorders
  • Learn the ins and outs of proper billing for pediatric sleep


Young woman with braces in dental chair

Some orthodontic procedures are considered medically necessary and can be billed to a patient's medical insurance.

  • Explore the different, medically necessary orthodontic procedures
  • Gain an understanding of how to bill medical insurance for these procedures

Sleep Apnea

Man sleeping with CPAP mask

Sleep apnea is a medically billable condition.

  • Learn the common codes used to bill for sleep apnea
  • Explore how to diagnose and treat sleep apnea in adults
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